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Essays from a medical school professor on being a cancer patient. I’m looking at the end of life as a scientist and a Christian. I am writing about cancer because writing is how I think, and living with cancer requires a lot of thought. I know something about health care from my research and experience as a patient. You will learn about cancer, cancer treatment, what the healthcare system does well, and how it fails. I also write about religion because that’s where I find hope. To read my story from the beginning, start here.

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I Have Serious News wants to be the hub of a community of patients with cancer, their friends, and their families. If you know someone afflicted by cancer, consider forwarding them a post that was meaningful to you.

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Essays from a medical school professor on being a cancer patient. I'm looking at the end of life as a scientist and a Christian. To read my story from the beginning, start here: https://billgardner.substack.com/p/the-story-so-far.


A Canadian medical school professor diagnosed with cancer and writing in the first person about the end of life. You can find more of my writing at https://billgardner.org/.